02 Jan Elke Haege qualifies as a Consulting Arborist AQF Level 5
Elke Haege has qualified as a Consulting Arborist (or Arboriculturist) with the highest Australian Qualifications Framework, Level 5.
Elke has already been using her skills in arboriculture in various ways including gaining a successful outcome in the Land and Environment Court under the “Trees (Disputes between Neighbors) Act, 2010.”
Elke has been combining her computer graphic skills in generating arboricultural plans for her clients and architects in a number of projects across Sydney.
‘Adding the arboricultural skill set has enabled me to provide informed and sensible advice to my clients which can then be seamlessly transferred to the landscape design. My clients appreciate the ‘one stop shop’ (collaborative) approach as well.
Elke Haege Landscape Architect and Consulting Arborist
B. LArch (Hons) (UNSW) Registered Landscape Architect AILA (#001539)
Dip. (Horticulture) Arboriculture AQF Level 5.
mob: 0410 456 404 ph: 9361 4426
2/17 Kellett St, Kings Cross, NSW, 2011
ABN:32828038804 elke@elkeh.com.au www.elkeh.com.au
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